Struggle to Make 2013 a Year 
For Freedom from Violence Against Women
For Women's Equality and Rights !

On the very eve of the New Year of 2013, the life of a young woman was brutally cut short. This young woman with her dreams of education, of a job, of love and happiness, lives on in all of us. Her courage and dignity inspire us to resist the terrible discrimination, bias, and violence that eats into the heart of our society, and to demand justice and freedom for every woman. It takes courage to confront the government, the police and other institutions and demand accountability. It perhaps takes even greater courage to face and fight the daily discrimination and shackles that are imposed on women in our own homes and communities. We hope that we will find that courage in the spirit of that nameless young woman who lives on in our hearts. 

We pledge to make 2013 a year of resistance to gender oppression, discrimination, and violence.
We pledge to support women's struggle in the home, in the community, on the streets, at the workplace and in public spaces for equality and rights. 
We pledge to speak out against gender bias and violence wherever we see it.
